The Global Clinic Rating is a project that focuses on helping medical clinics become better and on the other hand allowing patients to compare clinics transparently, as they would a hotel or restaurant.
It has become an independent, industry-standard benchmark for clinical standards & patient satisfaction, designed to allow both patients and clinics to check private medical facilities based on:
- patient reviews
- collected expertise
- level of facilities
- services available
and compare the results with other private medical clinics in the same town, country, continent and worldwide.
It includes both officially certified and uncertified clinics.
Through visiting 100+ clinics with my former project – Medbeaver – I came to understand that extraordinary service, expertise, facilities and remarkable experiences are the foundation of an excellent medical clinic, resulting in satisfied patients, and increased clinic profitability.
I was then of course looking for a fact-based way to share best practices within the private medical community, and help them and patients to easily compare clinics against one another, as they would a hotel or restaurant.
I was then hoping that this clinic score – a single number or star rating would then encourage clinics to find out more ways to be of better service to their patients, by learning from clinics with higher scores.
With the help of my friends Vlado & Rasto from Google Slovakia, we came up with 4 vehicles for this.
- A global clinic rating score (like forbes list for clinics)
- An official certification process (to compare clinics as you would 3,4 or 5 star hotels)
- A back end system for clinic owners to understand their score and certification and how to raise it according to benchmarks.
- A site for patients containing all this information with the ability to book and appointment at the clinic if they desired,
The Global Clinic Rating Score
We score individual private medical clinics throughout the world by aggregating patients reviews from the world’s leading patient review sources & certification authorities into a single index.
Currently we calculate it on a yearly basis, in 4 languages, hoping to move to a monthly update schedule very soon.
Hundreds of clinics, including some of the most recognized clinics within Europe, now rely on their official GCR score, certification to better understand and improve patient satisfaction and to increase profits.
excellent concept
I want to be included